Wednesday 12 September 2012

A letter to my 19 year old self.. (^_^)

Dear Me,

   Assalamualaikum. Hi! How are you now?? I hope you are fine. Hope your life as a TESL student is great. Okay, maybe this course wasn't your heart choice, your mom’s advice actually, but I can feel that you will be doing just fine. Just be confident and never give up facing the challenges coming ahead. Remember what mom always said, "there always  will be a greater challenges coming ahead. So stay positive, never give up and be grateful for you already have". Have faith in yourself and be sure to finish your assignment on time okay. As they said “procrastination is the the thief of time”. So enjoy your life in a good way, appreciate what you already have and be a good girl. 

   One more thing, don't spend to much money on cloths, accessories and shoes okay? Spend your money wisely. Try to control yourself. Don't be a shopaholic..!! And please stop complaining about your weight!! Just enjoy the food..!! Because you can't enjoy them when you are dead right? LOL..

Good luck to you, dear Me…!! (^_^)

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